This post is going to be a challenging one for me. To be completely honest, building a brand has been something that I have been struggling with for quite some time. This is something that I want to do, and I feel I have the right idea of how to eventually get there but I also feel that I may not be doing it right. My issue is that I feel so many things I would like to do have already been done, or the competition is too much. My hobbies would be considered popular ones so I struggle with that quite a bit. I would love to incorporate my love of photography and fashion into something, but I am not sure what my message is or how I would differentiate myself from others.
I would like to write this post as if I did have a brand or idea in mind and how I would like to get there. My first step would be to have a purpose for this brand and why I went this direction. I believe you have to be passionate about your brand or your business or else it will most likely fail. I may overthink this process to a point that I can't figure out how I'd like to brand myself. I feel there needs to be a purpose behind your brand, and I feel your audience should know a bit about yourself and how you got there. I want to be able to intrigue people, and get people having conversations. I'd love to have a platform where I would be able to communicate with my audience.
Standing out is important, so when I decide to create a social media page I would like to have a logo or something more professional for my profile photo. I want my audience to be drawn to something that looks like a professional brands business page, and I want to have a biography that captivates the right audience as well. First impressions are so important, you only have a few seconds to grab someones attention before they are on to the next brand. I would want to have a theme that continues throughout my social media page, using the same filter or using similar colors to keep my theme balanced and cohesive.
My challenge as I stated above is feeling that I may not be doing this right. I have had a personal social media for years, and have gained very little attention on it. This has made me lose confidence in myself because I do feel I take good photos for the little experience I have with my cameras. I use hashtags, I follow accounts that I'm inspired by, and yet I see very little activity on my page. This is where I really need the right guidance before I take the next step of creating a business social media page. Another thing I have tried posting at times other people are on as well and it seems my photos get lost in the algorithm.
I would love to hear from people and figure out their tips for how they started their brand and how they differentiated themselves from everyone else on social media. I would like to come up with a creative name (such a struggle for me) and then eventually have my brand take off. This is something I think about constantly, and that is why this post is a hard one to type.
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