When people are searching for something on Instagram, or any social media platform for that matter, they are typically looking for something that will be visually pleasing and that will be attractive to them. Some people may be looking for inspiration or a "wow" factor when they are scrolling. Posts can give off emotions that can be nostalgic for a viewer, something that takes them back to a great memory of a trip they went on, or somewhere they spent time with a loved one. Adding human interest of some kind will help bring viewers to that page because they want to see more of what made them feel good or inspired.
You should add a personal touch when you are trying to sell a product, or point of view to the target audience of your choice. This can be as much as selling products for animals and having the animals pose with the product with a big smile on their face, which will entice customers and make them smile. This may be a page they go to when they are wanting to see photos that will cheer them up because they love their animals and want the best product for them.
You do not need to add a personal touch if you are not necessarily trying to gain that type of attention from your audience. There can be filler posts here and there to create a balance on your social media page if that is a type of theme you are going for. It would be wise not to post content that would turn your audience off in anyway, or bring up negative feelings or emotions. It is important to stick with feel-good type of content when running a business on a social media platform.
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