Saturday, October 31, 2020

Week 10: Post 1

 If I were to create a newsletter for my business I would have it sent out quarterly. I would want to send something out just enough times during the year to offer promotions, sales, and photo exhibits where people could take a look at my photography up close. I would want to promote my photography and show during those quarterly times I would want to show the new photographs I have taken and offer them to those who are interested.

Some of the information my business could use for a newsletter would be to offer seasonal discounts on some of my photography or doing some sort of promotion that encourages people who were interested before but may have not been able to purchase a print at the time. I would like to extend invites to have people come and view my photography, meet with me, and get a print sized and framed of their choice. I would love to see my photography in people's homes and would love to meet my potential customers and see what photos they show interest in versus those that may not have gravitated as much of an audience. 

I believe it is really about putting my stuff out there, locally to get my name more known. I think having photo exhibits twice a year or even more at the right locations can really be beneficial for my business. I can also give people my business card that will offer them direct access to my social media platforms and my website, I can introduce an entirely different audience just by hosting these events.

I would not want to send out a ton of emails and be annoying, I would like to send a few to be on people's radar and introduce new photos I have taken that can be available for purchase. I want to engage but not be someone who is pushy where it turns my audience away. 

Week 9 Post 2

In order to stay organized on my blog I would divide my photography into specific categories to gain the right interest. I take both film and digital photography and I like to specify that when I am captioning my photos. Some of my audience may be specifically interested in film photography and what film cameras I am using. Others may be interested in a digital photography and could be potentially interested in purchasing prints of those photos because they are a lot better for blowing up and framing. I also like to keep things organized by the place I am in at the time. I lived in Australia for two years so a lot my photos come from there and I like to differentiate that. I may categorize by California, New York, Sydney, etc. I want my audience to see places they are interested in going to and they can simply choose the city they want to see and learn about potential new travel locations.

I posted a photo of New York City on my social media this week, which is my favorite city to travel to. I could spend hours photographing the Manhattan skyline and Central Park.

Laguna Beach is like a second home for me, and I have been spending time at the beaches there since I was born. I find them to be the most beautiful beaches in California so you will see a lot of photos from there. This was another post from this week.

Accounts I commented on:





Week 9 Post 1

 When people are searching for something on Instagram, or any social media platform for that matter, they are typically looking for something that will be visually pleasing and that will be attractive to them. Some people may be looking for inspiration or a "wow" factor when they are scrolling. Posts can give off emotions that can be nostalgic for a viewer, something that takes them back to a great memory of a trip they went on, or somewhere they spent time with a loved one. Adding human interest of some kind will help bring viewers to that page because they want to see more of what made them feel good or inspired. 

You should add a personal touch when you are trying to sell a product, or point of view to the target audience of your choice. This can be as much as selling products for animals and having the animals pose with the product with a big smile on their face, which will entice customers and make them smile. This may be a page they go to when they are wanting to see photos that will cheer them up because they love their animals and want the best product for them. 

You do not need to add a personal touch if you are not necessarily trying to gain that type of attention from your audience. There can be filler posts here and there to create a balance on your social media page if that is a type of theme you are going for. It would be wise not to post content that would turn your audience off in anyway, or bring up negative feelings or emotions. It is important to stick with feel-good type of content when running a business on a social media platform.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Week 8 Post 2: Hashtags

I like to use hashtags that are specific to the photo, this includes where the photo is taken down to some of the colors that are in the photo. I typically use the following when posting one of my photos of nature:

#california (or wherever the photo is located) #outdoors #nature #naturephotography #landscape #landscapephotography #views #scenery #scenic #35mm #canonae1 #film #filmphotography (for film) 

When I edit my photos I will incorporate a hashtag such as #lightroom or #vsco and when I do absolutely nothing to the photo I'll add #nofilter

Depending on the photo and where it is will depend on the other hashtags I end up using. I like to share the location and add hashtags that correlate with the specific photo. 

I have found the hashtags I have used through a bit of research and also by searching what the top hashtags are. Some of my friends have also shared with me which ones seem to work best for them.

I always use hashtags that are specific to my business, and I like to be specific so I am gaining the right audience. I never use random ones that do not have anything to do with my photos.

I like to post in the evening because I feel people are off work and looking at their phones more often. Also, I lived in Australia and have followers from there plus I post a lot of photos from Australia so the later in the day over here is better because then people in Australia can see my photos as well.

I learned about a whole new variety of hashtags that correlate to what I am posting. I am looking forward to experimenting with them and seeing how they do with my photos. The new hashtags I want to try seemed to work very well for the photographers using them. There are a limit of hashtags you can use, so I want to try and figure out which ones will gain the most attention.

Week 8 Post 1: Visual Support

    Courtney Cooper Photography (@courtcoopphoto) is all about visual representation. My business is my photography and Instagram is the perfect way to promote it. In my opinion, it is the best possible way to reach my audience. I have spent quite a bit of time looking at other photographers with similar styles to mine and what hashtags they use to get the largest audience possible. I have also conducted research on my own to find out what the top hashtags are, so I make sure I incorporate some of those. After doing some research and practicing on my photos, I have realized that the best hashtags are the ones that describe the photo. For example, if the photo is of a beach you would want to hashtag the following #beach #ocean #outdoors #nature and so on. 

    Even if you have a smaller following than other profiles, hashtags will generate many likes and help you gain a wider audience. @kaseymantiply is a photographer with 3,966 followers currently. She uses a wide variety of hashtags on her photos and because she photographs nature like I do. She does not post as often but receives about 300-500 likes on her pictures. I have looked at some of her posts to see which ones seem to work best. She uses hashtags such as #california #followmytravel #tourtheplanet #earthfocus etc. I usually use California when I post anything involving the state, but the other three hashtags are ones I have not used and want to try for my next post. 

    Another photographer is @withluke who has 311k followers. His photographs generate thousands of likes, and he has a great theme going on throughout his Instagram which is also important. He uses hashtags such as #welivetoexplore #folknature #letsgosomewhere #theoutbound etc. The hashtags he uses are more unique and I have never used them personally. These are other ones I would like to experiment with. 

    A photography page called @roamtheplanet has the most beautiful nature photos taken all over the world. They have 1.4 million followers and have their own personal hashtag #roamtheplanet so you can share your photos and they can possibly feature you on their page. Some of their other hashtags include #moodygrams #exploreourearth #mountainworld #earthoutdoors. They receive 10's of thousands of likes on their page, and I feel the hashtags they use are generating more interest in their photos. Their last post was four hours ago and already has 12,357 likes!

    Lastly, another great nature photographer is @charlysavely. She takes wildlife photos and has created a business by creating a wildlife photography workshop that people can take. She is based in Alaska and has 324k followers. Her last post was one hour ago and has already generated 6,429 likes. The post is about how to get involved in her photo workshop and explains how she will teach you technique and editing skills to better your photography. Her hashtags include #girlswhotravel #wildlifewomen #travelgirl and #outdoorwomen. 

All in all, these four profiles have gained a lot of attention by posting their photography on Instagram and using the right hashtags, I feel that this is probably the best way for each of them to put themselves out there and be as successful as possible. Using the right hashtags is definitely key, and I have learned an array of new ones just by searching pages with similar posts to mine. I think Instagram is the best social media outlet for photographers.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Week 7

 Hi Everyone!

I wanted to start off by saying I love the Instagram profiles my group has created, they are all unique and each bring something different to the table.

I looked at/commented on the following Instagram accounts:




Instagram is a great way to promote business through photography and creating a theme/purpose of what you are trying to accomplish. The Art Jive does a fantastic job of being creative and working on different projects. She shows you through videos and photo shoots, which I feel is a great way to get your creativity out there. Travel Guardian is starting their page off with a theme that I can tell is going to be consistent throughout, this is a great way to keep your audience engaged. Julia's desserts shared a great video showing off her delicious baked goods which will attract customers by showing what she is selling. Heather Williams home life style shows ways to make your home more organised and structured without the stress and hassle, she has a beautiful color theme going on that is super attractive!

All these profiles were using different techniques to bring their customers in and get them excited for their brands, I feel they are all off to a great start!

Monday, October 5, 2020

Week 6 Post B

Hi Everyone!

I am so excited for you all to see the three photo exhibits I created. I decided to upload them all tomorrow October 6th at 10 am, 11 am, and 12 pm.

As a photography page, I wanted to show you all some of my photos taken on film and also taken off my iPhone. I purchased a digital camera right before the pandemic, so I have not been able to get out there and use it yet. I do feel the iPhone can capture some beautiful moments, so I tried to pick the best ones I had.

I feel these photos will help me engage with my audience because I am trying to put my nature and travel photography out there, and all three of these photo exhibits are covering nature and areas of travel that I absolutely love. I am hoping that you all like what I have posted and I can't wait to hear your thoughts!


Week Six Part A

Hi Everyone!

Below are the seven pages on Facebook that I "liked" and why:

1. Melanie Roberston Photography: I liked Melanie's page because she is a local photographer in Carlsbad. She seems to have a lot of interaction with people in our community and I figure at some point when I have built up my Facebook page I can possibly reach out to her for some networking opportunities.

2. National Geographic: I like to photograph nature and my travels, so Nat Geo is an obvious choice and one of my favorite magazines to follow. I like to get travel tips on places I may have never considered before, I also just love seeing their photos for inspiration.

3. Architectural Digest: This is my favorite magazine for inspiration for interior design. Although this is not something I particularly am interested in for taking photos myself, I love seeing the photography and the landscape of people's homes and the amazing ideas people come up with. I love the creativity people bring to the table!

4. Vogue: I majored in fashion merchandising and absolutely love Vogue magazine for all things fashion. I would love to photograph fashion at some point in my life, so vogue will always be an inspirational outlet for me.

5. Prada: Prada is one of my favorite fashion designers, and so I love to look at what their up to with the latest trends. They have an edgy way when it comes to their photography so I love seeing what they come up with next!

6.  Earthpix: This is an account I have talked about in my prior blog posts, they are a super cool nature photography social media business. I would love to eventually get one of my photographs posted on their social media accounts to potentially put myself out there!

7. Nature & Wildlife: This is where my love of photography stems from, nature and wildlife, and so this is yet another page to just check out other photographers and find some cool places to travel or get inspiration.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Week 5 Post A

Having a business social media page is important because it allows you to introduce your audience as well as engage with them. Having social media allows you to engage with your audience through what you post. There are two factors involved with posting which are post reach and post engagement. Post reach shows how many people your post has reached out to by showing how many views an image or video has since it was posted. Post engagement is when your audience reacts to your post by liking or commenting o the image or video.

Knowing the difference between post reach and post engagement is important because you want to be aware of how your social media pages are doing and what interests your audience versus what does not. Paying attention to views for example shows that your audience may want to see more of something so you are really able to test and see what works for your business. Engagement in likes and comments is important too, people that are loving that particular image or video are most likely going to want to see more of that rather than another image that did not get the same attention. When someone shares your post it will be passed on further so it is very important to pay attention to what is working!

Facebook insights allows you to see performance per post and what is working for you. This is further broken down to give you better insight on what posts are doing well and what people are attracted to on your page. This will help because you need to be paying attention to your audience and their wants and needs. With the algorithm these days, you really want to be active on your social media pages so you do not end up disappearing on the timeline, Facebook insights can show you how to further engage properly. 

I commented on The ArtJive's Facebook. I love the creativity and photography she has going on! Very unique.

Week 16

My viewpoint of social media has changed in that I can now see that there may be an opportunity to create a business from it. I have always ...